Those reporters can hardly have been born 1979, 'cause if they had, they'd never call this a blizzard. It's snowing, for crying out loud! It's just your average, winter-time precipitation and in no way in unusual amounts. No wonder people up north are having a laugh at us southerners.
Okay, so Scania doesn't receive this much snow on a regular basis, but calling it a catastrophe and chaos is so... meaningless in the light of Katrina, starvation in Ethiopea and other REAL catastrophies.

Eee-yep, over exaggerating weather forecasters ARE universal and not just limited to the USA.
And of course, when they predict a "not so bad" snowfall, you end up insnöad for a week.
Thought I'd try mixing some words. Did I use it in the proper context?
Nice pictures!!!
And yes, I must confess..we do laugh at you down there..hehe.. But we do it with love :)
And.. Fun that you understod that I was making a joke with this "insnöad" thing fro yesterday! Your brain is way to sharp for me !!!
Maidink: Very good! You're a natural, and definitley not insnöad. :)
ScandinavianNova: I use that joke all the time, that's why I just knew you were using it against me. ;o)
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