Well, it wasn't all crappy, as you will see.
I almost got cardiac arrest while waiting for the taxi that was going to take CartoonBoy (my autistic ten-year old) to school. The bastard, taxi driver that is, didn't show up on time. But eventually he did but at that time I was almost ready for an ambulance.
Got back into my flat where my dog had dragged out the trash on the kitchen floor. Cleaned up that mess. I swear the dog was laughing at me.
LazyWorm (and that's a direct translation of the swedish word "latmask" which means lazy worm ie. someone who doesn't like to do anything that requires movement of their body. Unless it's fun, like skate boarding, mountain climbing, hanging out with friends and so on.) declared he was feeling to sick to go to school. He claimed to have a running nose and a sore throat. I just didn't feel for a fight with a teenager at that time so I let him stay home. I have ways of making my kids feel so miserable that they realize that school is much more fun than staying home with old boring dad. (I can be extremly boring if I put my mind to it, believe it or not.)
Realized that today was washing day, with all hampers full. While I was sorting out which dirty laundry that was supposed to be washed at the same time with other dirty laundry, LittleAngel filled her diaper with the most horrible goo you can ever imagine. I won't describe it. No need for me to make you feel sick too.
Then my wife got up and boy was she in a good mood... Well, a couple of big caffeine filled mugs of java took care of that and half an hour later I almost understood what she was mumbling about. Something about LittleAngel going to Kindergarten for the first time. I told my wife that I had some laundry to take care of so she had to go. I probably won't have any sex until thursday. Next week.
I won't bother describing the next few hours when I was running up and down the stairs with laundry.
And suddenly it was time to meet up with CartoonBoy's taxi. Today was his computer day so I knew he wouldn't bother me for the rest of the day. But first we had to do his homework. Today it was ten words in english. After about thirty minutes he knew them by heart. Considering his handicap, he's really a smart little guy.
After that, RazorTounge, my twelve-year old daughter, came home from school. Believe me, she deserves that nickname. And today, none of the boys could speak to her without recieving a verbal flogging. I bet that she could slice a cucumber with that sharp tounge if she was in the mood for it. She knows exactly which buttons to push to make it hurt. I'm very proud of her.
LazyWorm declared (surprise, surprise) that he probably wasn't all that sick after all and that he actually would enjoy the weather outdoors. I gave him one hour. He didn't like that but also knew that I normally don't give in for such a request. The main rule is always "If you're too sick for school, then you're too sick to leave the flat." It works just fine. They get so bored they happily return to school.
So, the stage was set for a real "comfortable" afternoon with the kids.
LazyWorm destroyed the whole thing by offering to fix dinner, pasta and swedish meatballs. I still haven't gotten over the chock. A little later, RazorTounge, offered herself to take care of LittleAngel while I went shopping.
Now I'm sure they are after something. Maybe a new Playstation or XBox? It won't happen. Instead, I'm going to enjoy them sucking up for me.
The rest of the day was pretty normal up until bedtime. I allowed them half an hour extra television (The Simpson's) and after that I poured me a snaps of pure vodka and parked myself by the computer.
And this is where my day took a turn for something relly good. The assholes that killed Marcus Gabrielsen are going to a new trial since another prosecutor appealled, but this time the prosecutor actually is going to try and get them convicted for murder, not battering. I really hope that some of the witnesses dare to step forward this time and actually "remember" what happened.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Oh, crappy day... oh, crappy daaay!
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Oh my, that was a crappy day!
Thank you for posting more in English!
We were off of work here for our Labor Day holiday. Barbeque and beer...or, in my case, vodka!
Get pictures of LazyWorm, RazorTongue, and CartoonBoy on flickr. And the baby is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!
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